
Christmas Family Photos!

love my smile, but too shadowy...

Hate my smile, love Jades.
Cant for the life of me figure out how to turn these the right way......

This is our "actual" family photo this year.

didnt use this, but I love how happy Eva looks.

I adore the fact the photographer got the kids to put their arms around each other.

This is the "official" pic of the two of them.  I dont think it could be any more perfect.

Not the best, but still adorable

This may be my faverate photo - period, like, ever.

Evas official shot, of course.

I love this one - we didnt use it, but - its just - so- *them*.

This one we got copies of.  Jades *just* about in tears there, but you really have to know him, to tell.

Always has to be one, with someones eyes closed.

Good photo, but no, we didnt get copies of it.