
RItual vs Routine


Yes, I know that link is mostly about fitness, but it does make the clarification I needed.
Autistic and Aspergers are often accused of having deep seated "rituals" that must be performed.  But I had to start to wonder, why "ritual"?

Honestly, I think its because people are stupid.  They dont understand, or wish to understand, all the nuances of the language, and can only comprehend that what they interpret as routine is different, and more fluid then anothers.  Because rigid rules and the "performance" aspect of children (look at me, love me!) reminds a person of what a ritual looks like, they make a surface judgment.

But a Ritual, is not a routine.  A ritual should inspire, should strengthen ones soul and mind.  A ritual, far from being a negative thing, is a positive enforcement of our own ability to "touch the divine".
A routine, is something done because you have to, and have discovered the fastest, most efficient way to make sense out of it.  Just because you do it a different way from another - doesnt make *thiers* wrong, or ritual, or stupid, it just shows the fabulous differences between the workings of our minds.

Ritual should fuel the fire that drives us through routine.

I like that.

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